*MORE PHOTOS -Things to do on TNP

Things to do on ThongNaiPan Beach Bay:
Swimming, Floating, Reading, Lounging, Eating, Snorkeling, Trekking, Waterfalling, Kayaking, Paddle boarding, Diving, Exercising, Dancing, Partying, or... Nothing at all.
Something or Nothing for Everyone!
Quality family-time on the quiet bay
Kayaking around the bay

Lunch on the beach
Dinner at Longtail Beachfront Restaurant- Only 1 minute away from house
Family-friendly locals

Beautiful beach-side reading
Lounge night-life
Fire-shows nightly on the beach

Beachfront Massage

Leisure walks on the bay

Delicious Local Foods
Floating Bar
Turquoise Blue Bay
Small surf and white sand

Trekking, exploring and salvaging
Float meetings

local play
Tranquil exercising


Quiet cloudy days

Hanging out

Happy Hour on the beach



rock climbing
freshwater waterfall
Making memories
Full Moon Night
Nu Beach Bar and Siam House on the pond

Waterfall trekking
or just...floating the day away